Onion Omega2+ pre-loaded w/ Charg Station Software – WeCharg Distributed EV Charging

Onion Omega2+ pre-loaded w/ Charg Station Software


ALL Charg Stations require a node.  The Onion Omega2+ just happens to be the world's smallest node.  That's why we have selected it for you.  This particular node comes with the Charg Station node.js pre-installed.



ALL Charg Stations require a node.  The Onion Omega2+ just happens to be the world’s smallest node.  That’s why we have selected it for you.  This particular node comes with the Charg Station node.js pre-installed.  Get your Charg Station operational in no time with this amazing little computer.  Did we mention is costs only $18?

A NODE is just a computer that’s always on.  This particular little computer can have up to the following specs:

580MHz CPU, 128MB DDR2 Memory, 32MB Flash Storage, USB 2.0, MicroSD Slot, b/g/n wi-fi.  Arduino-compatible, upgrade to cellular 2G/3G, bluetooth, and GPS.

This is not the best possible price, so we understand if you choose to purchase the node here instead (remember that you will need to install node.js yourself!): https://onion.io/omega2/

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